Fun recruiting story – A guy called me and invited me to a celebration dinner. We had just placed him on a job at a…

Fun recruiting story a guy called me and invited me to a celebration dinner. We had just placed him on a job at a tech company and he was scheduled…

Continue ReadingFun recruiting story – A guy called me and invited me to a celebration dinner. We had just placed him on a job at a…

The CEO NEWS Poll… “Better to have bad news that’s true than good news we made up.” ~ Eric Ries 1000 CEOs polled found these sources

I just polled over 1,000 C-level executives and Board Members about the CEO news sources they use.  I decided not to edit the list. There are a few news choices…

Continue ReadingThe CEO NEWS Poll… “Better to have bad news that’s true than good news we made up.” ~ Eric Ries 1000 CEOs polled found these sources

You might call me a headhunter. Some people don’t like that term. But I don’t mind it, after all they could call me an ambulance chaser…

Come to think of it, I am kind of like an ambulance chaser, but I chase employees who manifest workplace greatness and I follow CEOs and CFOs who IPO. 🍾🥂🎉…

Continue ReadingYou might call me a headhunter. Some people don’t like that term. But I don’t mind it, after all they could call me an ambulance chaser…