4 Articles by Joe Pelayo, Executive Recruiter, Joseph Michaels International Recruiters

4 Articles by Joe Pelayo, Executive Recruiter, Joseph Michaels International Recruiters

Sharing 4 recent articles I wrote that may be helpful for you or someone in your network.

Let me know if I can help with anything.


The 4 Articles below…

Hiring Great People – Tips for hiring great people (Read time 3-4 minutes.)

How to Land a Board Seat – what it sounds like with interviews with a half a dozen sitting Board Members on how they landed their first seat. (Read time 7-8 minutes.)

Generations – The time I helped the Grandfather (CEO) the Son and the Grandson! (Read time 1-2 minutes.)

Networking with the other person in mind. – Networking Tips from a guy I really admire. (Read time 1 minute.)



Joe Pelayo, C.P.C. Managing Partner

Joseph Michaels International Recruiters


Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com

Visit Joseph Michaels International Recruiter to Find a Recruiter

Website: https://josephmichaels.com

View 2,000+JOBS at Joseph Michaels International Recruiters 

Connecting Great Talent and Growing Companies in the USA and around the world since 1990.  


A Few Tips On Hiring Great People

Hiring great people can be a challenging task for any organization. With so many factors to consider, it’s tough to know where to start. However, having the right people on board is crucial to the success of any business. After all, it’s the people who drive innovation, create amazing products and services, and ultimately help the company achieve its goals. Whether you are an executive, manager, or director, it’s up to you to build a team of talented individuals who can help take your organization to the next level. Here’s are some insights into how you can find and attract the right talent for your company.

Define your ideal candidate: Before you start the #hiring process, you need to know exactly what you’re looking for in a candidate. Not only should you consider their qualifications and experience, but also their personality traits, work-style and cultural fit. Your ideal candidate should not only be qualified for the job but also align with your organization’s values and goals. Take some time to create a detailed job description which outlines the requirements for the role and outlines what success looks like. We also recommend an opportunity description at the top of the job description. This outlines the long-term opportunity of joining your company. Usually, a thousand times more interesting compared to the list of “Duties and Responsibilities”.

Cast a wide net: The best candidates are not always actively looking for a new job, which is why it’s important to cast a wide net. Use social media, networking events, industry conferences and job fairs to connect with potential candidates. You can also use employee referrals to connect with candidates. Usually, people will only recommend people they know and trust, but some companies will courteously remind people that their recommendations are an extension of their reputation. If you can afford it use a Recruiter, they almost always have the best candidates.

Look beyond the resume: While a candidate’s resume can give you valuable insights into their experience and qualifications, it’s not the whole picture. Interviews, work samples and skills assessments can help you get a better understanding of a candidate’s work style, problem-solving skills and cultural fit. Additionally, it’s important to ask questions that will help you get to know the candidate on a personal level. By asking questions about their past experiences, their goals, and their values, you’ll gain a better sense of whether they’re a good fit for your organization’s culture.

Sell the overall opportunity rather than the job: In today’s job market, top talent is in high demand. That means you need to be able to sell the opportunity to candidates just as much as they need to sell themselves to you. Be transparent about your organization’s goals and values and explain how the role fits into the bigger picture of joining your unicorn amazing growth company, or whatever is great about your firm. Make sure candidates understand what growth opportunities are available and how your organization can help them achieve their career goals.

By painting a clear picture of what it’s like to work for your organization, you’ll be more likely to attract candidates who share your vision and values.

Be flexible: In today’s job market, you need to be prepared to be flexible in your hiring. That means being open to candidates who may not fit the mold perfectly but have the potential to be a great fit. Great employees come in all manner of experiences.

Be willing to adjust your hiring timeline if the right candidate doesn’t come along right away. And use the “best available athlete” philosophy of recruiting. By being open-minded and flexible, you’ll increase your chances of finding top talent that can help take your organization to the next level.

How to Land a Board Seat1. Do your research.

The first step is to identify the type of board you’re interested in joining. Do you want to be on the board of a publicly-traded company? A nonprofit? A startup? Once you’ve determined the type of board you’re targeting, do some research on the organizations that fit that criteria. Identify which ones you’re particularly interested in and start reaching out to your contacts within those organizations.

2. Make yourself indispensable.

Once you’ve identified the companies or boards you’d like to join, it’s time to start adding value. Whether it’s through offering advice, introductions, or financial support, find ways to make yourself an indispensable part of the organization. The more valuable you are to the organization, the greater the chance you’ll be offered a seat on the board.

3. Network, network, network.

As with most things in life, networking is key when it comes to landing a board seat. Get involved in industry events and get to know other executives who serve on boards. These connections will not only help you better understand the board process, but they could also lead directly to your next board seat.


A board seat can be a great way to further your and make valuable connections. If you’re interested in joining a company’s board of directors, do your research, make yourself indispensable, and network with other executives who serve on boards. By following these tips, you’ll increase your chances of landing that coveted spot at the table.

Advice from real board members:

Let’s look at what some people who actually have, or have had, board seats and study their advice on How to Get a Board Seat. Always good to learn from someone who has been there done that, and start with that.


Hi Joe-

(Fun Story) This is how I became a member of the BOD for a public company. I was interviewing for the CFO for the company. They sent me to a shrink for some role playing. After some role playing I asked the shrink what was going on (it was pure chaos) and he told me that was what an operation meeting was like at ____ company. My response was they did not need a new CFO they needed a new CEO. Now this was despite my liking the CEO and really liking the business. I had also given the CEO some advice during our meeting which he did not like. I basically took myself out of the running for the CFO job.

A little while later I was recontacted by the CEO.

The Board was attempting to oust him even though he had super-voting rights and controlled the company. He also said my previous advice was correct. I joined his board and started a turn around.

2nd Board Seat I got for a friend. I was consulting for a company and recruited a number of people in finance and accounting positions as part of my consulting task. They told me they needed an outside board member because they were getting ready to go public.

I introduced them to someone I knew who had a very successful record as CFO for public companies. He had the industrial experience they were looking for so they put him on the board and it was very successful. 

In summary the CEO is generally going to put people on the board who he knows and can trust that they will have his back. In many cases they need to have industrial experience in areas which are needed; however, in current times they might hire to diversify the board and management team.


Dear Joe,

I no longer sit on any boards, but have done so historically. I sat on several Boards of a Family office, the last of which was a Printing Company based in Ohio. I learned a great deal from that experience and I made me a better investment banker. I saw the inside of the board room as we transformed the company from founder-owned to professionally managed. We finally sold it to ____ Corporation. The experience left me the better understanding of what sellers go through. 

I also sat on the Board of a technology start-up on the early 2000’s. I had work with the founding management team (sold several businesses for a company where they worked) and when they decided to start this new venture they asked me to be involved as an investor and to also lend my experience with public companies. Their goal was to take it public. 

This experience exposed me to many very active early-stage investors (with which I had no previous involvement) including several early Microsoft employees. Although we never took the company public (filed confidentially and had engaged Morgan Stanley and Goldman as joint book-runners), the experience gave me a great understanding of how early stage investors think and contribute to the success of start-ups. 

Last, I sat on the board of an industrial technology company that designed, manufactured, and installed training systems for ________ globally. I was asked to join this board by the founder- Chairman as he and I were business acquaintances. I was asked to chair the Audit Committee which was a daunting task to say the least. 


Joe: Pretty much like everyone. I knew someone who recommended me for the first Board, I met a fellow Board member who asked me to join his Board is the one trajectory.

Second was two CEO’s I worked for added me to their Boards at successive companies, and one recommended me for one of my current Boards

Third was a President I hired at one company became Chairman at a company, and he asked me to join his board.

It’s all about skills, but more importantly, relationships – Takes the risk of a bad “hire” off the table…. I know what I get with you. (Factor)


Joe-Thanks for asking. I have sat on a variety of boards. The non-profit volunteer boards have often been the most fulfilling. I generally have been asked to be part of non-profit boards based on my volunteer work with specific institutions.

I spent several years on those boards. I currently sit on the board for the company I work for. I was asked to be corporate secretary first, and after many years being in the meetings as secretary, I was finally offered a board seat by the chairman after our CEO recommended me.

 I am also a board member for a related company to my employer, I was asked to be a board member after proving myself as Corporate Secretary for that entity as well. Ultimately all the board positions I have held (both paid and volunteer) were offered to me by others who saw and appreciated my work, my vocal opinions and my unique perspective to problem solving.  



I landed my “board seat” with a not-for-profit social services agency (formal title: Board Advisor, function as non-voting board member AND consultant) through two routes:

lifetime acquaintance with the President/Founder/CEO (have known her since middle school) AND prior body of experience.



My history with getting Board seats has been very clear: the path is essentially identical to finding standard employment. You network like crazy, make sure people involved with decisions know you are looking and valuable, and respond to a carefully curated set of open opportunities. 

 Others have recommended getting experience on non-profit Boards as a good path. I have many years on non-profit Boards, really just to soothe my desire to contribute to the community. While those Boards sometimes help with networking, I find they help very little in the search for a corporate Board role. 

 That may sound entirely obvious, but my experience is that few people put in the effort. That results in a smaller number of people on many Boards, probably over-committed, that have natural networking from their current roles. (CFOs also have a bit of a leg up given some of the special financial demands particular Board roles require.)

Happy to dig in further if I can be of assistance. 

One merely has to have a servant attitude and be available. 



I had a meeting with a young man who was referred by his father and I also placed his Grandfather who became a brilliant CEO at a large company.

During the meeting, the young man was on his phone and not paying attention.

I asked him to put it away and he responded with, “but my Dad and Grandpa always have their phones out during my meetings.” He smiled. 🙂

I just looked at him and said, “well I can assure you, they are not on Instagram or texting their friends. They are conducting important business and taking notes.”

He put his phone away and actually ended up listening and being brilliant like his Dad and Grandpa, who set a good example.

Never underestimate the power of good family role models. We had a good meeting discussing his career options. I told him I am excited for him and the man he will become, thanks to his smarts, and great sense of humor.

I told him he had a real advantage also having hardworking family members setting a good example for him. The young man commented about how he admired them. Then he thanked me for my time and said he was so glad to meet me. He said he thought I was going to be older and old-fashion but that I was energetic and gave him so many great ideas to help him in his career.

At the end of the meeting, I said to the kid, “This ain’t your great-grandfathers Joseph Michaels International.”

He then asks me.“You didn’t place him too?”

gave him a look and we both laughed uncontrollably, and he went on his way.

It was a fun moment but also showed me the impact of my work as a Recruiter and how it can positively affect multiple generations I love the work that I do.

I’ve been recruiting 30 years and I still love it. I am grateful for the trust and confidence my clients have in me, and I will continue to work hard to provide exceptional service for them and their families. 


Networking with the other person in mind.
I was attending an event of the YEO, Million Dollar business owners under age 40. I was a new member.
There was one guy in the group, Mike, his annual sales were 500 times mine. Mike asked me if I’d like to go for a coffee after the meeting, I said sure.
After the meeting we walked to the local coffee place, “what could he possibly need help or advice from me?” I wondered.
Mike dived in deep he asked me some amazing questions about my business. Mike then gave me some life advice that I really appreciated. Then he gave me several incredible ideas for my business that I hadn’t thought of.  Next, Mike name dropped 3 or 4 people and asked me if I knew them. I knew of all of them. But I didn’t know them. 
He then said. “Joe, I think those would be good people for you to network with and if you’d like I’d be pleased in the coming days to make the introductions for you. I’ll email you their contact information on email and CC you.
Over the course of the next week, I had four warm calls with new perspective clients based on Mike’s referral emails.
I wasn’t until my drive home it occurred to me that Mike never really asked me to coffee for any of my advice or for my help. He only tried to help me. This thought really hit me and changed my life. No one had ever asked me to go for a coffee only to help me. ***ALL HE CARED ABOUT WAS HELPING ME.***
I decided that day I wanted to always do my best to try to be that guy. A guy who always networked with the other person in mind.


Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.

Managing Partner

Joseph Michaels International Recruiters


Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com

View 2,000+JOBS at Joseph Michaels International Recruiters 

Connecting Great Talent and Growing Companies in the USA and around the world since 1990.  

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