Summer Vacation…

I hope all is well with you. I’ve just returned from my Mom’s 80th Birthday and an amazing Yosemite summer vacation. Apparently, the snowfall/runoff was once in a lifetime so the waterfalls were amazing. Here’s a few pictures…

I sent you a few articles recently that might be of interest to you or someone in your network. here are the links:

CEO News Sources

Networking with the Other Person in Mind

How to Land a Paid Board Seat

If my timing is good to discuss any hiring. Let me know and I will send you a calendar invite.

Thanks, and have a great week —


Keep asking questions…

“The most common source of mistakes in management decisions is the emphasis on finding the right answer rather than the right question.” –Peter Drucker

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.

Managing Partner

Joseph Michaels International Recruiters

13355 Noel Road

Dallas TX 75240



Bringing together great talent and growing companies since 1990.