Networking with the other person in mind.

But First…

Poll question:

In the event of a layoff who is most likely to be laid off first.

​Office employees or remote employees?

​This Poll question is active now on my Linkedin Page you can vote, comment or see the results HERE.

Networking with the other person in mind.

I was attending an event of the YEO, 1MM business owners under age 40. I was a new member.

There was one guy in the group, Mike, his annual sales were 500 times mine. Mike asked me if I’d like to go for a coffee after the meeting, I said sure.

After the meeting we walked to the local coffee place, “what could he possibly need help or advice from me?” I wondered.

Mike dived in deep he asked me some amazing questions about my business. Mike then gave me some life advice that I really appreciated.

Then he gave me several incredible ideas for my business that I hadn’t thought of.

Next, Mike name dropped 3 or 4 people and asked me if I knew them. I knew of all of them. But I didn’t know them.

He then said. “Joe, I think those would be good people for you to network with and if you’d like I’d be pleased in the coming days to make the introductions for you. I’ll email you their contact information on email and CC you.”

Over the course of the next week, I had four warm calls with new perspective clients based on Mike’s referral emails.

I wasn’t until my drive home it occurred to me that Mike never really asked me to coffee for any of my advice or for my help.

He only tried to help me.

This thought really hit me and changed my life. No one had ever asked me to go for a coffee only to help me.


I decided that day I wanted to always do my best to try to be that guy.

A guy who always networked with the other person in mind.