Recruiters @ Joseph Michaels International Recruiters wish you a Happy Election Day. Joseph Michaels International Recruiters. American Flag that hangs every year @ the Mall that connects to our office tower!

Recruiters @ Joseph Michaels International Recruiters wish you a Happy Election Day. Joseph Michaels International Recruiters. American Flag that hangs every year @ the Mall that connects to our office tower!

Recruiters @ Joseph Michaels International Recruiters wish you a Happy Election Day. Joseph Michaels International Recruiters. American Flag that hangs every year @ the Mall that connects to our office tower!

This is the flag that hangs in the tower connected to Joseph Michaels International Recruiters Headquarters office . As Americans, we are proud to exercise our right to vote and participate in this democratic process.

We hope that you have taken the time today to cast your ballot and make your voice heard. Happy Election Day from all of us at Joseph Michaels International Recruiters!