Your Alignments Are More Important Than Your Assignments

Amazing things are happening here. You’re going to be glad you read this email. I wish I had discovered it earlier in my career but I’m only 54. So, I still have some time to work and enjoy it. But, looking back on my 30+ years of experience, this is not taught properly. Get with the right people. My Pastor teaches it like this, “Choosing WHO you will go through life with is more important than any assignment you will ever have, in other words, your alignments are more important than your assignments. WHO is with you, will always be more important than WHAT you are doing.

If you don’t have the right people to share your life with, it doesn’t matter what you do…

When you choose the right people to be in your life, you are making the right choice to go up, to get better, to move forward and you will find fulfillment.

Important Alignment questions you should ask yourself:

How do you determine the right alignments in your life?

Remember it starts with you…your choice to Be the kind of person you want to have in your life.

You will always have both Energy-Producers and Energy-Demanders in your life.

The more someone produces energy for you, the more you can know they are a right alignment for you.

WHO should you go through life with?

People who believe in you.

People who add value to your life.”

Anyways I’ve rediscovered the above recently and I’m leaning into it and wanted to share. Call us when you’re hiring. I would enjoy working with you.

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C. Joseph Michaels International Recruiters

Recruiting Solutions Since 1990.

1-800-786-1099 Click to View jobs.

“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” ~ Steve Jobs

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