Relocation Recruiter

Just a reminder to vote in the election but you most likely did already. Also remember to vote for your favorite recruiter when your company is selecting a new recruiter. And one more that you may not have thought of, remember me when someone you know is relocating. We put a high priority on follow-the-spouse candidates as we call them in the recruiting business.

A follow-the-spouse candidate is usually not laid off nor fired. Not that great people aren’t ever laid off or fired, especially in the current environment. But, in general, we have found great success placing follow-the-spouse candidates with our clients and affiliated recruiters nationwide and worldwide.

Remember also that I am the Recruiter that told you Google was going to buy YouTube before it happened. Here is a flashback and highlights from that issue below:


Is YouTube the next Google?

Now before you go laughing me into oblivion, let me remind you about some of the young companies The Network! has previously discussed:

  • AOL – You know the story. I had suggessted subscribers buy AOL.
  • Netscape – August 9th, 1995 IPO, interestingly only 1/10th the size of Google
  • – Acquired by AOL
  • Netflix – I practically told you to get your VHS tapes from them
  • Linkedin – Keep your eye on it
  • Google – 8th largest IPO in history at the time, August 13th, 2004

Yahoo’s Treasurer just jumped ship to be the CFO at As you probably know,, like its photo sharing predecessors Snapfish, Shutterfly, etc., allows you to post your video to the web, up to 10 minutes, which turns out to be a long time for a video. I just posted my first video on go there and search for “Mom got a new car” and you can watch my Mom get her surprise new car for Mother’s Day that I wrote about in The Network! an issue or two ago.

Well, if you haven’t tried, try it and see if you think it’s the next Google. If it is, you heard it here first, once again in – The Network!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell a friend!

This issue’s featured executive search

Large Bay Area Human Services firm needs a Controller. Manage staff of 5 directs and 12+ overall. $150-$175K.

Hiring? Email Joe Pelayo
Or call 800-786-1099.

Quote from a subscriber on the Barry Bonds issue:
“Joe, I don’t always agree with your opinions…but I love that you always have one.”

Quote from Dr. Seuss:
“Be who you are and say what you will, those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo


A email came in from the more recent Fast Recruiters Part 1, where we talked about Recruiting 331 MPH and the new speed records, one subscriber wrote back. “It is fascinating indeed. The Tesla Model S P100D cannot go that fast but the acceleration from 0-60 is pretty impressive at 2.3 seconds.” I am on my 7th Jaguar but must admit, tempted to change to a Tesla when the perfected Auto-Driver releases, I understand that it is months away not years. Exciting to think about driving across county reading a book.

If you are hiring, you can reach us at or (800)786-1099

If you know someone looking for a job they can apply for over a thousand jobs around the country and beyond at

90 percent of Joseph Michaels International executive searches are between $50,000 and $500,000 per year. If your search request is outside of this range or outside of our specialty areas, we are happy to refer you to an appropriate executive search firm. We are a part of a “Multiple Listing Service” network of over 700 Executive Recruiters.

Thanks again for reading,

Joe Pelayo

Joseph Michaels International Recruiters


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