Hiring is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get…

I’m a great Recruiter. Let me explain… Sometimes the people we think are going to be a home run are the biggest disappointments

But as you know sometimes the person you just barely want to hire, turns out to be GREAT!

I have found in all my years of recruiting that people very rarely use the G word (GREAT) to describe their referrals. So, when someone says to me someone is “Great!” I put a lot of stock in that, especially if I know the person assessing the grade.
It only happens a few times a day. Someone says, “John Doe is great.”
You see most people don’t use that word to describe people they refer. Great Recruiters have a good memory. They remember who’s great and the push like mad to get the client to hire those referrals.
Because they know great people make great hires.

Even if they don’t fit the spec perfectly, greatness is the great equalizer.

When in doubt hire the one someone says is “great.”

May we help you with your hiring?
I’m looking to add a few great clients

Be great to hear from you call 800-786-1099.

Remember the use that word great as your guide, if none of the references say, he or she, is great, keep looking.

Great is the secret sauce, the special ingredient. Go with greatness because great people become successful even if they are not checking all the boxes . Trust me, hire the one someone says is “great.”

“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get until you open the box ~ Forrest Gump.

View https://youtu.be/CJh59vZ8ccc

The Network! is one of the most widely read executive newsletters in the world today. If you’re hiring, we want to help you find the perfect person. Call us at 800-786-1099 and we’ll take great care of you.

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Warm regards,

Joe Pelayo

Joseph Michaels International
