Back In Black

If I told you Recruiters were Back In Black it might not mean anything and just remind you of the 1980 AC/DC hit song from 40 years ago.

Back in black,
I hit the sack,
I’ve been too long

I’m glad to be back…

Well you get the idea.

But, think about this… Recruiters are back in black for the first time since January 2020.

You might say, “Joe, why would I care if the Recruiting Industry is profitable?”

If Recruiters are making a profit, that means America is hiring again! And that’s good news not just for me as a Recruiter but for all of us.


“I’m not terribly worried about the future of the country. I think we’re going to be fine. If you look at the history of the United States. Which by the way, is a real useful thing to do, to remind yourself of how often the United States was on the brink. We’ve been through a lot. We solved everything from World Wars to Spanish Flus to Great Depressions, Vietnam War. Through it all, how did we do? Stronger. Stronger after every one of those things.

Every time this country gets tested, we come out stronger. The current set of tests while impressively varied and large, everything from pandemic to unrest in the streets… All of this, if you added it all together, is not big compared to the entire power of the United States. So, remember as long as we decide to be a country we cannot be defeated.” ~ Scott Adams


In my last update I shared:

The Sandwich technique it wraps negative feedback in praise.


Suggest change in behavior


One reader Chuck N. replied and reminded me the source of this great lesson was from Toastmasters. Thanks, Chuck, for reminding me and I recommend Toastmasters to everyone for a breakthrough in career development.

Toastmasters is a non-profit public speaking training organization founded in 1924. There are more than three million persons who have benefited from the Toastmasters organization. At Toastmasters, members learn by speaking to groups and working with others in a supportive environment. A typical Toastmasters club is made up of 20 to 30 people who meet once a week for about an hour. Each meeting gives everyone an opportunity to practice public speaking. Whether you become a brilliant orator or not is secondary. The point is that a one-on-one interview will never make you nervous after you can speak to a group. Relaxed and with a new level of confidence you will interview much better. Remember they will always hire the best interviewer. Lee Iacocca said his career didn’t really take off until he enrolled in a public speaking training class like Toastmasters.


Lastly, I wanted to see if you are Hiring?

If so call, Joseph Michaels International. You can now reply directly to this email, or reach our hiring hotline 24/7 @ 800-786-1099. If you know someone looking for a job they can apply at

Looking forward to your call,

Joe Pelayo

Joseph Michaels International Recruiters
