“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 189

Good Morning!

In my speeches I am forever asking my audiences to take inventory of their skills, asking if there was anything they learned during all their years of school that could help them to change their lives for the better if they were to begin to apply that special ability immediately, regardless of their present condition, occupation or age.

Then, as dramatically and forcefully as I can, I remind my listeners that they all learned how to read, and with that talent alone they can work miracles with their lives if they wish.

-Og Mandino ~ Secrets for Success and Happiness

I’ve embarked on a new personal development path. I will start one new book, early each Monday morning, before I leave for work. If it’s good I’ll finish it that week. I’ll need your suggestions on what books to read because I’ll obviously need to find 52 new good books to read every year! I used to feel when I started a new book that I always had to finish it. Bad books slowed me down. Now, if it’s a bad book I’ll just move on and start a new book the next week. I figure my time is too valuable. I “just say no” to bad books. I feel no compulsion to finish them.

This week I’ve been reading a great book called TopGrading: How Leading Companies Win by Hiring, Coaching and Keeping the Best People by Bradford D. Smart. I HIGHLY recommend it. What do you recommend?

“What we become depends on what we read after all manners of professors have done their best for us. The true university of today is a collection of books.”
-Thomas Carlyle

This Issue’s Featured Executive Search…

We’ve been retained by one of the leading software companies in the Bay Area to find a Director of Worldwide Revenue Operations. This is a “promote to Corporate Controller” position over 30 people immediately and a staff of 100 upon promotion.

If you don’t have a referral for me, could you kindly pass this email on to someone who might be closer to the person we seek. I’m willing to speak to every CPA in the Bay Area who ever added up a column of numbers for a software company, in order to find the right person, for this wonderful new client. They can call me direct for details @ (415) 732-6142.

Got speakers?

The radio interview I did promoting my new book, Work Your Network! – Playable now on our website, http://josephmichaels.wpengine.com just click on Joe’s Book, then click the radio logo.

Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com
Website: http://josephmichaels.wpengine.com
One of the top 75 Recruiters in the United States ~ Recruiter Life Magazine