“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 132
Wanna listen in on my real-life recruiting call from a venture-backed-dotcom CFO refugee last week? "Hi Joe, I'm calling because I heard you have a CFO job..."
Wanna listen in on my real-life recruiting call from a venture-backed-dotcom CFO refugee last week? "Hi Joe, I'm calling because I heard you have a CFO job..."
Is your hiring process fast enough? Companies Are Losing Top Talent Because of Slow Decisions. Get the qualified candidates before your competitors do!
The war for talent is over. Talent won. Last week I attended the National Association of Personnel Services annual conference, a/k/a The Annual Headhunter convention, and talked to recruiters from all over the country...
A press release from the American Compensation Association (ACA), says average salary increases to remain in 4% range. Thank God we're not average, huh?
Ouch! You lost a perfectly good candidate to another company. How could it happen? Your company has innovative products, a slew of happy customers and a fun, casual work environment...
You (the coach) must be nice to your 'A' students because they become your Nobel Prize winners. You must be nice to your 'B' students because...
With trends toward diversity in the workplace and business becoming more competitive, companies look to hire executives who can manage any situation gracefully...
This issue of "The Network" includes a review of "The Best Websites for Accountants" and an article on "Getting the Most From Your Spreadsheet"...
Speaking of the Giants, I hope you'll enjoy this issue's article by former San Franciso Giants Controller, Larry Dodd...
We cannot afford to be lulled into a false security as a result of how technology has played a part in our profession...