Joe Pelayo Executive Recruiter at Joseph Michaels International Recruiters was talking with a friend…

I was talking with a friend of mine he was getting close to retirement and that was all he could talk about for about 5 years. So great jobs would come in for him and I would call him up and I would give him my best recruiting effort. This happened 3 or 4 times, but it was to no avail.
“I’m sorry Joe, I’ve scored all my runs. I have rounded the bases. I am just looking forward to doing ___ in my retirement.” He said. I left it blank to protect his privacy.
So anyway, a year or two passed by, and I bumped into his Linkedin Profile. Lo and behold there he is… Smiling at me in his profile picture… At a new company!
So, I called him, and I said, “What gives? I had an excellent job for you several times, and you said you were retiring.
He said, “I tried Joe!”
“They would not take no for an answer.” He said.
“They came to me five separate times. Each time with higher salary offers.
The fifth time they said they really needed my skill and all but offered me full-time pay for one day a week work.
“So, your literally getting full time salary for 1 day a week.” I asked.
“Yes!” He said emphatically,
“Wow! I said. “Maybe you should have retired 30 years ago.”
And we both had a good laugh about it.
Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Managing Partner
Joseph Michaels International Recruiters
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