Top 10 People That CEOs Should Follow on Linkedin

LinkedIn has become one of the most powerful social networking platforms for business professionals. With over 850 million members worldwide, it’s a great place to connect with other like-minded individuals, learn new things, and stay up-to-date on the latest industry news. Plus, following certain influencers can help stay on top of trends in your industry and see what your competition is doing. Here are the 10 most followed people on LinkedIn.

  1. Bill Gates – Chairperson, Microsoft Corporation
  2. Reid Hoffman – Co-founder & Executive Chairman, LinkedIn Corporation
  3. Richard Branson – Founder & Chairman, Virgin Group Limited
  4. Arianna Huffington – Founder & CEO, Thrive Global
  5. Jack Welch – Former Chairman & CEO, General Electric Company
  6. Michael Bloomberg – Founder, Bloomberg L.P.
  7. Sheryl Sandberg – COO, Facebook Inc.
  8. Tony Robbins – Author & Motivational Speaker
  9. Oprah Winfrey – Chairwoman & CEO, Oprah Winfrey Network
  10. Sara Blakely – Founder & CEO, Spanx Inc.

As you can see, there are a variety of influencers on LinkedIn with a wide range of backgrounds and industries. But, they all have one thing in common – they’ve learned how to use Linkedin with incredible success.

By following them, you can learn from their experiences and gain valuable insights that you can apply to your own business. So, what are you waiting for? Start following these 10 most followed people on LinkedIn today!

Joe Pelayo

Executive Recruiter

Joseph Michaels International Recruiters



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