Recruiter Frequently asked questions…

“No one ever listened himself out of a job.” ~ President Calvin Coolidge

“There’s a difference between hearing people and listening to them” ~ John Maxwell

I went to a Networking event in-person for the first time in what seems like a lifetime and enjoyed the event, meeting people and an amazing speaker. I highly recommended it. But, even before the lock-down, in-person networking seems somehow less efficient now in the era of Linkedln. When people find out I am a Recruiter, they often ask five of the same questions.

What do you Recruit? is the most common question asked of any Recruiter. Our company is a little different because we have recruiting specialists in so many different fields.

How is the job market? We are still finding relatively strong demand as evidenced by the 3.6% unemployment rate.

Where do you recruit? Joseph Michaels International so we work globally, but 80%-90% in the US.

How long have you been Recruiting? All my life, Joseph Michaels International Since 1990.

What levels do you hire for? 75K-750K base pay.

Now one questions for you…


We can help.

Call the Recruiting experts at Joseph Michaels International Recruiters today @ 1-800-786-1099

Or email

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Managing Partner
Joseph Michaels International Recruiters
Global Recruiting Solutions

Since 1990.


“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart”