Just finishing an Executive search in Tulsa Oklahoma!

Just finishing an executive search in Tulsa Oklahoma. Recruiting there was quite an experience I had to build a network from scratch since we had never Recruited in Tulsa.

Fortunately, we met several great COIs (Centers of Influence) in the beginning of the search that made life easier.

You have to admire how COIs network it provides an interesting networking lesson…

Higher-level people are eager to help others.

We did a lower-level search recently having people literally hang-up on us.

Common Example of an Executive Recruiter call to a higher-level person…”Let me close my door…what are you looking for?” (So, I can think through my network to see how I can help you and maybe someone that I know.)

Common Example of an Executive Recruiter call to a lower-level persons… “I’m not looking. Thanks anyway.” Click.

It could just be my imagination, or my vested interest, but my theory is that the higher-level people have been networking that way their whole career.

“The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity.”– Keith Ferrazzi.

Where are you recruiting today?

I’m hopeful if we can help someone hire in Tulsa, we can help you wherever you are.

If the phones are busy, please forgive me and wait 10 minutes and try again we are adding more capacity. I know that the lines are occasionally busy on the day of this email.

Thanks for reading. Looking forward to working with you.

Joe Pelayo

Joseph Michaels International Recruiters

Recruiting Great Employees Since 1990.

1 (800) 786-1099

Email: info@josephmichaels.com

Job seekers must apply online.
