Does your Recruiter make your hiring easier?… (Easy Definition: 1. achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties.)

Here are some of the areas we are recruiting in now. Call or email what you might need help on and here is my commitment to you, if our recruiting team can’t help you directly I am happy to refer you to another recruiter 800-786-1099.

Executive Search, Permanent Placement, Temporary & Contract Recruiting for Accounting, Supply Chain, Quality, Production Management, Maintenance, Engineering, Human Resources, Information Technology and more…

~~~~~~~~~~ Over many years of Recruiting I have worked with companies like Sony, Cisco and Coca-Cola.

But, these companies don’t always need a Recruiter…

… I remember one time I was in the office of V.P. of HR of a Billion dollar software company who said they only looked at resumes with a 3.3 GPA or higher. I bit my tongue but thought to myself, “How Foolish!”

Then he then said. “Now Joe you might think that’s foolish but we receive over 80,000 unsolicited resumes every year. How would you suggest we cull them down?”

~~~~~~~~As a Recruiter I work with those types of companies. But, for every one of those amazing companies, the The Fortune 500, the emerging growth unicorns etc. etc. etc. there are thousands of what we call…

The Hidden Champions of Industry…

…These are the companies that do, for example, $100 million a year in sales and drop $20 million to the bottom line!

They treat their people like gold. And, they’ve been doing it for 30 years.

But, nobody has ever heard of them.

We like to find those hidden champion companies and help tell their story to working talent in the marketplace and we’ve been doing that since 1990.

Call or email me if we can help with your hiring. As I mentioned, If it turns out we can’t help directly I am happy to refer you to another recruiter.


Joe Pelayo
