“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 163

Networking Breakfast for Unemployed and Under-Employed Financial Executives

Good Morning,

Well I guess I should open with this, in the publishing business they call it “Corrections and Amplifications”, but bottom line is…I screwed up. I looked at the April calendar, instead of May, when I wrote the last issue of “The Network!”, and I announced we’d be having a networking breakfast for unemployed and under-employed financial executives on May 24th, 2003. We are having the event, but on May 29th, NOT on May 24th, which is a Saturday as many pointed out. A friend of yours is a friend of mine, they don’t need to call me, just send me a resume with a note that they plan to attend.

We have a special guest speaker this month, Jeff Hyman. Jeff Hyman and his firm Canal Street talent seeks to bring Movie Star and Sports Agent style representation to business executives. Fortune: You Have a Career: Now You Need an Agent…

By the way, the mistake I made on the date of our breakfast meeting is my first mistake in 10 years of writing this newsletter. Okay, I exaggerate a little, but you heard me correctly on the “10 years” part. Can you believe it? If you read issue #1 of “The Network!” you have been reading this newsletter for 10 years now. Click the link for some selected back issues of “The Network!”, when you have some time, and see if you’ve read issue #1. I don’t want be the only one feeling old today…

If that doesn’t make you feel old enough, click here for Beniot Colleges latest…
[Newsletter Subscribers Only]

The Good News…

Over 65% of the S&P 500 companies reported higher than expected earnings in the most recent quarter. Even here, in the hard hit Bay Area, the top 200 companies are reporting a 1.3 percent increase in sales according to the Chronicle.

The economy has had so many false starts, dare we believe?

Networking Events

Tuesday, May 27, 2003; cocktails 6:00 PM, speaker/dinner 6:30 PM
The Diablo Valley Chapter of the Institute of Management Accountants presents:
“How to be a successful seller on EBAY”
Eric Levinson: President, Levinsong Studio
Scott’s Seafood Restaurant
1333 N. California Blvd, Walnut Creek

May 29th
9:15 – 10:30am
Networking Breakfast for Unemployed and Under-employed Financial Executives
Speaker: Jeff Hyman, Chief Talent Agent
Canal Street Talent
155 Sansome Street 10th floor
San Francisco, Ca. 94104
R.S.V.P. to Jpelayo@josephmichaels.com

June 5th
BAYCFO golf outing at Crystal Springs. 12:05 Board meeting. 1:35 tee time.
Email jpelayo@josephmichaels.com with “BayCFO” in the subject line for more information on this or future BayCFO events.

July 21th
In Conversation with Carly Fiorina, Chairman and CEO, Hewlett Packard
Speaker: Carly Fiorina, Chairman and CEO, Hewlett Packard
Moderator: Louise Kehoe, Veteran Silicon Valley journalist
Co-hosted by Churchill Club and The Commonwealth Club of Silicon Valley
Sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Info: www.churchillclub.org

If you’re thinking of hiring, think Joseph Michaels International! Call us at 800-786-1099.

Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com
Website: http://josephmichaels.wpengine.com
One of the top 75 Recruiters in the United States ~ Recruiter Life Magazine