“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 172

Joe Pelayo’s New Book, “Work Your Network!”

Good Morning!

I’ve just returned from a great extended vacation…Paris, Venice and Rome, the wife’s treat to celebrate our 4 year wedding anniversary! I wanted to let you know that I’m back and also tell you that I just deleted 2,809 emails. I know, I know, I should have MADE A BACK UP FIRST! My database guy just got through reading me the riot act for what I did, but after 4+ hours of dancing around with it – I just had to close my eyes, hit the delete key, and hope for the best. I had to get on with my life.

I had cherry picked it pretty well I hope, but, if for some reason you sent me something of importance in the last month or so (and it’s still important) please feel free to email it again. Or pick up the phone and call me the old fashioned way. 95% of the deleted emails were garbage from someone I don’t know, selling something I didn’t want. Email has become a bit of a mess lately. I cast a fleeting glance at the almost never used fax machine and long for the days of old, even before that dinosaur existed. People would call in their job orders… “Hey Joe, It’s me (your name here!) & we’re looking to hire someone new.

Ah…the good old days…

Anyway, I had a terrific trip and if you have traveled on any long flights recently you know that each seat now has its own TV screen and 4-5 movies later… you’re in Paris!

Of all the movies I saw the best one was a movie called The Big Fish. The best line of dialog from the best movie was this…”I learned that most people in this world appearing wicked or evil…are simply lonely, with poor social graces.” Wow! I grabbed around for my pen, eager to capture this little bit of wisdom. You would think you’d have to be studying the Bible, fasting, or sitting Indian style with monks for days on end to get something that great. But there it was, right before my very ears at 37,000 feet.

Imagine how much easier it would be to return love for evil, if we could always remember that most wicked people are not really evil – just lonely with poor social graces.

I always like to have a pen handy to capture ideas and philosophies that might serve me. In my soon-to-be-released book, Work Your Network! I dedicated a few pages to these philosophies. Here are a few of my favorites.

“If it is to be, it is up to me”
~ Shakespeare

“Be a matter great or small, I’ll do it right or not at all. And once the matter has begun, I’ll leave it not, until it’s done.”
~ Zig Ziglar

“My strength lies mainly in my tenacity.”
~ Louis Pasteur

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”
~ Walt Disney

“If you don’t toot your own horn no one toots it for you.”
~ Dad

“Sometimes we cry out to God when our foundations are shaking, only to find out that it’s God doing the shaking.”
~ Les Brown

“Always resist the temptation to do the smallest things first. You get a 10 to 1 return on investment in the time you invest in planning.”
~ Brian Tracy

“He that Judges not well of the Importance of his Affairs, though he may be, always Busy, he must make but a small progress.”
~ William Penn

“U-turn if you want to. This lady’s not for turning.”
~ Margaret Thatcher

“I have found through long resolve to judge a man by his actions and not by his words.”
~ Andrew Carnegie

“The more I know the more I know there is to learn.”
~ Mark Twain

Work Your Network

I hope to have Work Your Network! in book stores by year end. If you can’t wait until then, send me an email with “Work Your Network!” in the subject and I’d be pleased to send you the WORD version. Also my offer stands for brave souls who like to see their name in print. Read the WORD version of the book and send me a testimonial I can run with. I will include it in the, “what people are saying” portion. Here are some examples:

What they are saying about Work Your Network!

“Your ability to develop a network of supportive friends and associates can supercharge your life; Joe Pelayo shows you how to do it quickly and easily.”
~ Brain Tracy, Author, Million Dollar Habits

“Network, Network, Network!
Joe wrote the book, all you have to do is follow it to success.”

~ Bob MacIntosh CEO of PIER 39

“Joe Pelayo is an American original — a new century Horatio Alger. His inspirational story is punctuated by wit, wisdom and an unwavering respect for truth; yet his most appealing quality is a deep and non-judgmental sense of humanity. Joe’s pursuit speaks the perfect poetry of everything that’s possible in life.”
~ Bill Radin, Author of The Recruiter’s Almanac

“In Work Your Network!, Joe Pelayo shares the best tools, strategies and secrets he’s learned on the path to being one of the top recruiters (and networkers) on the planet. If you want to become a ‘luckier’ person you’ll love this book.”
~ Rich Fettke, author of Extreme Success

“As reflected in his book, Work Your Network!, Joe Pelayo’s real life story serves as a backdrop for his easy to understand and apply approach to building a successful career through networking. In this book you will find a wealth of practical ideas, useful approaches, and winning strategies that will help you build a solid “foundation” for your career as well as your life. You will laugh, you will cry, but most importantly, you will learn from one of the Masters, Joe Pelayo. More than a book, this is a guide to living a full life. I’ve read well over 1000 books in my life but never anything quite like this. A must read!”
~ Terry Petra, CPC, CIPC Past Chairman of the National Association of Personnel Services

“Work Your Network!” is an essential tool on your way to the corner office. Joe Pelayo’s unfailing positive punch is a reminder that success is a matter of persistence while always staying true to who you are. Warm, funny, personal, effective.
~ Diana J. Wynne Producer

“I just finished “Work Your Network!” once I started reading I didn’t want to put it down. In fact, yesterday I opted to take BART instead of driving so I could continue reading. Your book is full of great lessons and tips, and I know that I’ll be a better networker for having read it and look forward to putting your ideas into action.”
~ Patrick “Public Relations” Galvin – Galvin Communications

“Stupendous! I only wish that I had read this at the beginning of my career. Joe Pelayo provides not only the “how to,” but the inspiration and examples for all of us who aspire to achieve success. A must read!”
~ Frank Tilley CFO Partner, Tatum Partners, Dallas-Fort Worth & former Chairperson – Bay Area Financial Executives Networking Group

“Joe Pelayo is the master of networking. Read his secrets, practice just half of them, and you will be too. Simple straight talk from a master!”
~ Mike Faith C.E.O. Headsets.com

“A wonderful, fun, high energy book!”
~ Tina Thomas SVP & Chief Compliance Officer – The Fremont Group

Call us if you’re hiring!

Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com
Website: http://josephmichaels.wpengine.com
One of the top 75 Recruiters in the United States ~ Recruiter Life Magazine