“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 178

Good morning,

I just finished reading a great book, “It’s not About the Bike” by Lance Armstrong. Have you read it? I’m telling you, the kid writes as well as rides! The amazing Armstrong had cancer, which spread to his lungs and his brain. After having one of his testes removed, Brain Surgery, and Chemotherapy he got back on the bike and won 6 Tour De Frances! The young man founded the Lance Armstrong Foundation. He’s younger than me so I guess I can still call him a young man even though he has been through more than most of us will ever experience. Good going, Lance, you are an inspiration to all of us!

By the way, at what point did the entire population of athletes become younger than me? Did I miss something? I remember at the Warriors games there was always Chris Mullin who was older than me but now he’s in management and he looks so much older. Many of the kids that are on the team now were born in the eighties!

Alas, Barry Bonds will always be older than me. He beat me to forty on July 24th and the best home run hitter of all-time still belts em out like he’s twenty five.

Speaking of twenty-five-year-olds, a client of mine who I once found a job for and for whom I have filled countless positions over the years, wants me to help his son, a rising star at one of the Big-4 CPA firms. This has been happening at an alarming rate this year, clients wanting me to help their kids! I can feel it arriving soon. I’m not sure I’m ready for this day but I know it’s coming soon… “Joe, My son…has a son…”

My wife says I’m an old soul. She says whenever we go to a dinner party or a wedding I always end up talking to the oldest person in the room. I guess I am getting older. I’ll write again soon, but for now, I have to go buy a fast car.

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Thanks for the well wishes for Mr. Billingsley following the last issue, he really appreciated all your cards and phone calls. I forgot to include his email. You can email Dennis at dwb@josephmichaels.com.

Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com
Website: http://josephmichaels.wpengine.com
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