“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 182

Work Your Network!

Happy Holidays!

I wanted to let you know I will be “appearing” on the Kathy Fettke Radio Show- KYCY 1550 AM, following Imus in the morning, this coming Friday, the 17th, 9 am – 10 am. I hope you will tune in and if you have read my book Work Your Network! & like it, then I need your support. Please call into the show!

We sold out of the first 500 books then I bought 2,000 more. When the 2,000 books arrived I had a bit of a panic. I envisioned wading through the office, for years on end, up to my elbows in books! Imagine signing for a delivery of 19 large boxes and shipment of 586 pounds!

The next day, out of the blue, my friend Nick Joly called and said he loved my book and wanted 15 copies for the recruiters in his office. I had given Nick a copy of my book at a Pinnacle Society meeting of the top recruiters in Coconut Grove, Miami in October.

Well ten minutes later Jackie Nabat, another of the country’s top recruiters who I had also given a book to at that meeting, called and said to me the EXACT SAME THING. I said to her, “Have you been talking to Nick Joly?” She said, “No, why do you ask?” I told her he had just called to order 15 books also. She said, “In that case send me 16, in fact make it 20.”

We are a competitive lot we top recruiters of the Pinnacle Society. One of my favorite sayings from a recent meeting was “remember if you had half as much fun as I had, I had twice as much fun as you had!”

Anyway, that evening I went to the Institute of Management Accountants meeting and I donated 20 more books for their annual holiday auction raising money for the local Food Bank.

So there you go, 2000 – 15 – 20 – 20. Only 1945 books left! “Get ’em while their hot!” as they say, and thanks for the elbow room.

If you pick up a copy today on our website I will get it to you in time for Christmas.

Thanks for your support and for the elbow room! Here’s wishing you and yours the best this Holiday season.

Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com
Website: http://josephmichaels.wpengine.com
One of the top 75 Recruiters in the United States ~ Recruiter Life Magazine