“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 142

More Than One Way To Use A Recruiter

Good Morning,

A number of years ago, I went to see a potential client in Silicon Valley. The man I went to see looked younger than I had expected he would. He had sounded so much older on the phone. He was the VP of Finance and the #2 finance guy in a company that had gone from zero to a billion in sales in record time. Somehow I assumed he’d be at least 40 or 50. Turns out he was 28, or so he said.

I remember being surprised at how young he looked. His phone presence had seemed so much older. He’d had 8 promotions in 7 years. I asked him how he had risen so high up the corporate ladder in such a very short time and this is what he told me.

“Well you see Joe, what I did was, first I mastered my job, and then I mastered my boss’ job. Then I got to know a great headhunter and I told the headhunter how great my boss was.

“The headhunter recruited my boss and then, well, as you know, the company likes to promote from within around here and…” he trailed off and I smiled in disbelief, then he winked and said to me, “By the way Joe, have you met our Chief Financial Officer?”

The guy left the firm very shortly thereafter and I lost touch with him. I think he moved out of the area. I was so nervous in the meeting because it represented such a large piece of new business and because I had just met this guy, I never got the chance to ask if he was pulling my leg or not. Even if he had been, you’d still have to give him an “A” in creative thinking just to think of that. More than one way to use a headhunter I guess.

Work smart and have a good month.

Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com
Website: http://josephmichaels.wpengine.com
One of the top 75 Recruiters in the United States ~ Recruiter Life Magazine