“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 132

I’m calling because I heard you have a CFO job…

Good Morning.

Wanna listen in on my real-life recruiting call from a venture-backed-dotcom CFO refugee last week? “Hi Joe, I’m calling because I heard you have a CFO job, with a stable retailer that has no dotcom strategy…I’m interested.”

What a difference a year makes. This time last year no one would look at a job without stock options. If the company didn’t have a dotcom at the end of its name, I knew I was in for in for some serious begging when it came time to set up interviews. Now everyone wants something “a little more stable.” I guess time changes everything.

In last month’s issue I sent a report from Top Echelon encouraging a fast track hiring process. I got this email from Lisa Marie Carlson saying the fast track was too slow…

“Those are supposed to be fast-track hiring strategies???

I say you should train the hiring mangers to make decisions on the day of the interview and have the candidate walk out with the signed offer in hand. If an offer is not extended on the day of the interview, it should be sent overnight mail or the longest duration should be no more than three days.

I know all of this is much easier said than done.  However, if we are going to evangelize successful recruiting strategies we should do it right.”

L I S A  M A R I E  C A R L S O N
Lantern Communications, Inc

Well thank you Lisa Marie, and actually I agree with you. That was a nationwide survey and we move faster here on the Smartcoast, don’t we? We are faster, more innovative, creative, progressive and we are all seeking ways to continuously improve our hiring process. “But we still need to interview and check references before we make an offer, don’t we?” asks another reader. Perhaps not, more and more companies are now making offers contingent on references checking out. I asked one company that constantly complained that offers were turned down and that candidates got jobs before they could make an offer, “Why not try this?” They said they couldn’t do it that way. When I asked, “Why not?” They said, “Because we have never done it that way.” HoBoy!!!!!! I thought for sure we’d left that one in the last century but I guess some things will never change.

Happy New Year, and Happy Recruiting this year. I hope we can help.

Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com
Website: http://josephmichaels.wpengine.com
One of the top 75 Recruiters in the United States ~ Recruiter Life Magazine