You Made My Day
Good Morning,
After the last issue of The Network!, I received a nice note from a friend and subscriber who wrote, “Great newsletter Joe, you made my day!”
I have found when someone tells me, “you made my day”, it makes mine. So I have assumed the reverse is true and I look daily for opportunities to tell someone, “You made my day!!!”
Try it. Look for an opportunity to say to someone, “You made my day”, and see if it doesn’t make yours.
In response to a recent story I told about Ivy Lee and Charles Schwab I received three replies that were very interesting. Here’s the Schwab/Lee story again. If you remember the story just skip down and read the three replies from Network! subscribers that added color.*
Ivy Lee and Charles Schwab
Around 100 years ago, Charles Schwab, president of Bethlehem Steel, wanted to increase his own efficiency, and that of his key people at the steel company. A renowned ‘efficiency expert’ of the day, Ivy Lee, approached Mr. Schwab, and made a proposition Schwab could not refuse:
IVY LEE: I can increase your people’s efficiency – and your sales – if you will allow me to spend fifteen minutes with each of your executives.
CHARLES SCHWAB: How much will it cost me?
LEE: Nothing, unless it works. After three months, you can send me a check for whatever you feel it’s worth to you.
SCHWAB: It’s a deal.
The following day, Lee met with Schwab’s top executives, spending only fifteen minutes with each in order to say:
LEE: I want you to promise me that for the next ninety days, before leaving your office at the end of the day, you will make a list of the six most important things you have to do the next day and number them in their order of importance.
EXECs: That it?
LEE: That’s it. Scratch off each item after finishing it, and go on to the next one on your list. If something doesn’t get done, put it on the following day’s list.
Each Bethlehem executive consented to follow Lee’s instructions. Three months later, Schwab studied the results and was so pleased that he sent Lee a check for US$35,000. At the time, the average worker in the US was being paid $2 per day.
Rich Fettke, author of the new best selling book, “Extreme Success” narrows his list further to the “Top three things I must accomplish today.”
For example, your list might look like this:
- Close the books for last quarter, final draft complete.
- Prep 10 copies for board meeting.
- Call Joe Pelayo @ 800-786-1099 Re: Filling open position.
*In response:
Pat Galvin, CEO of Galvin Communications, a public relations firm, replied and said, “Nice newsletter Joe! Did you know that Ivy Lee is also considered by many to be the ‘father of public relations’?”
I do now. Thanks Pat.
And Dick Essay, CEO of TemPositions, Inc. said, “A very interesting story about Ivy Lee. His son Ivy Lee Jr. lives in my apartment house. Junior is now 94. Did you know that the senior Ivy Lee was also the man who told John T. Rockefeller to give out dimes to people as a philanthropic gesture? Dimes were worth a heck of a lot more in those days, so for the head of Standard Oil, it was a good gesture.”
From Ronald Bissinger, CFO @ PointBase said, “I had to smile at your story. I grew up around Pocantico Hills in suburban New York, which was home to the Rockefellers. I remember my dad would take me on a ride around the hills on Sundays… I was probably just 5 or 6. He made sure he’d drive this one road, and almost every time there would be an old man standing on the side of the road, handing out…” Well, you know the rest of the story.
Thanks for the responses gentlemen, you made my day. Thanks for reading everyone.
Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo
Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
One of the top 75 Recruiters in the United States ~ Recruiter Life Magazine