“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 170

Is Your SPAM Filter Working?

At a networking event recently I asked what people were doing about SPAM. My question on the topic gained momentum and I literally overheard this…

“Is your new SPAM filter working?

I think so but it blocked out my son’s email…he’s away at college and he said he needed some money wired to him …and it blocked my Mother-in-laws email too.”


“So it’s working?”

Pretty funny and when I finally stopped laughing I thought I’d better write it down before I forgot so I could share it with you. They say the best ideas only come around once. The pen is mightier than the memory.

Recently I received one too many SPAM emails. I started getting over 200 a day on average and I set out to find a new SPAM filter for myself. I looked around and asked a bunch of people who I though might have good ideas on the matter. At first I thought about changing my email, because I have had the same email for so long, but I figured eventually I’d still be back in the same boat and need to get a filter.

I settled on something called Spam Inspector and I would recommend it. I have gone from around 200 SPAM emails a day to just a few. I just thought my research might be of interest to some of you if you were getting your share of SPAM and heading down the same path. Here’s a link to the company that offers it »

Food for thought, from “The Network!” Subscriber John Rexroat…
“If you always put in your two cents worth & it is only a penny for your thoughts, who is keeping all those extra pennies?”

Top 2004 New Year’s Resolutions in the United States by percentage:

  • Health & Fitness 22%
  • Career 18%
  • Personal Growth & Interests 15%
  • Personal Finance 11%
  • Time Management & Organization 11%
  • Family & Relationships 8%
  • Education & Training 7%
  • Home Improvement & Real Estate 5%
  • Recreation & Leisure 3%

Networking Events

A couple of interesting networking events next week: Stanford plays host to Yahoo, Inc. Sr. VP of HR and Chief of People Ms. Libby Sartain:

The People Side of Great Business
A Stanford Breakfast Briefings Event
Date: Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Time: 7:30 AM- 9:00 AM
Location: Stanford Faculty Club, Stanford University
Web Site: http://www.churchillclub.com
Pricing: Members $36 / Non-members $48
Great business might begin with great ideas, but it is sustained only through the dedication and passion of great people. Libby Sartain speaks from experience about unleashing the power of your company’s greatest asset – its employees – to create lasting value for investors.

Also on January 14th, BayCFO has Gary Schlossberg presenting,
What’s Next for the Post-‘Bubble’ Economy, Financial Outlook Through 2004.”
Info at http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaID=51879

The good news from Paul Harvey…
“Corporate Earnings in the United States have just topped one Trillion dollars for the first time ever!”

Call us if you’re hiring! Happy New Year!

Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com
Website: http://josephmichaels.wpengine.com
One of the top 75 Recruiters in the United States ~ Recruiter Life Magazine