“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 176

“I strive to take better care of my vendors than any of my competitors do.”
George Zimmer
CEO, Chairman of the Board
The Men’s Wearhouse

Taking Care of Your Vendors

Good Afternoon,

Okay, so you know how you might show up at your client’s office bearing gifts when you go out to visit? If not, well, you at least buy them lunch, right?

Recently I went to see my new wine industry client and THEY GREETED ME with 2 bottles of wine – one white, one red. Then they took me to lunch at the local country club and refused to let me pay for it.

Then they tried to GIVE ME two retained searches! I opened my big mouth and said I thought we’d do a better job with one at a time, in this case. Still….not bad: 2 bottles of wine, lunch at the country club – on them, and a retained search. Oh , did I mention, on the way out the door the VP of Finance gives me a nice hardcover book he thought I might like. Are you kidding me?!

Talk about a lesson in how to treat your vendors, in this case their Headhunter! I would go to the end of the earth to find the right people for these guys. Here’s what we need, in case you happen to know someone in the wine country for this one…

*Bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance
*CPA required
*Inventory accounting a plus or experience in cost or production accounting
*Wine industry helpful
*Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel

This is one of the best wineries ever to bottle a grape…I assure you! A+ Top quality firm!

I will give you our referral bonus – $250.00 Nordstrom gift certificate along with a bottle of very fine wine as a small token of our appreciation if you refer someone and we place them.

Email Resumes/referrals/ideas to:

We also need…

VP Finance CPA Biotech $200K
Controller South Bay Home Builder $120K
SEC Reporting Manager Silicon Valley $120K
Accounting Manager CPA East Bay $100K
Financial Analyst $85K Santa Rosa
Inventory Accountant Wine Country $75K
CPAs with 5+ years of experience – Multiple openings – South Bay and San Francisco

Same deal applies on the Nordstrom gift card.

Email Resumes/referrals/ideas to:
Or call 800-786-1099

Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com
Website: http://josephmichaels.wpengine.com
One of the top 75 Recruiters in the United States ~ Recruiter Life Magazine