“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 204

Recruiter Life Magazine Profiles 75 of the Leading Recruiters in the US

I’m excited to announce Recruiter Life Magazine, a leading publication for the recruiting industry, is profiling 75 of the leading recruiters in the United States and they are starting with Yours Truly!

Yes, your Headhunter friend and Author of The Network! will be featured in a 12-minute, day-in-the-life type program. They followed me around for a full day and then produced the best 12 minutes. It will be up on the site in the coming weeks…

Continuing our Onboarding theme… here are few more ideas from my good friend, Cindy Ventrice. Cindy is the Author of Make Their Day, a book on employee recognition that was #20 in the Amazon rankings the other day. When I interviewed her she suggested a number of excellent ideas including…

“Send a greeting card to your new employee’s home, welcoming them to your team.

Take a picture of your team that expresses your team’s personality. Get it turned into a card with your message printed inside.

Print a bunch.

Then each time you hire a new employee, get everyone to sign (the manager most prominently) and then send it off. You will make a positive impression from the start…

Some things management can do to get the person on friendly terms – work place matching, buddy systems… asking hobbies and then matching the person with someone for lunch…

Make sure their office and name badge is ready for them. Test their access pass to the building. Little things go a long way.

If your organization already gets along well, sometimes there is more work that must be done to get new people into that inner circle… new hires always need special attention.”

Good thoughts, Cindy.

Cindy offers a weekly email with tips for employee recognition. Sign up at www.maketheirday.com

Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com
Website: https://josephmichaels.com One of the top 75 Recruiters in the United States ~ Recruiter Life Magazine