“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 205

The World is Flat

Mr. Noor Menai, CEO and President of Charles Schwab Bank, speaking at the Kennedy Executive Search Summit 2007 said, “Do someone a solid, and someday he’ll do you one.” It was an unusual comment from a banker type wearing an Armani suit, but I guess doing someone a solid translates in the hood as well as in the boardroom. Attending the cocktail hour at the Kennedy Executive Search event held recently in San Francisco, I found myself having a conversation with two attendees. One was from Alaska and the other from Argentina! It’s a small world.

After my recent speech at the National Association of Executive Recruiters in Chicago, a man came up to me and introduced himself. He had an Irish accent as he handed me his card and I realized he was from Ireland. Flew over just for the NAER meeting….

Recently I’ve been invited to speak to a group of recruiters in Japan and another in Jordan of all places. The world is so global now, isn’t it? Noor, in his address said that “Mandarin is the new business language to learn, and the language of business in China.” With a billion Chinese coming into the global marketplace, he also said China and India are talked about so often now in investor conferences these days they just call it “Chindia.”

Finding Recruiting More Difficult

If you’re finding recruiting more difficult you’re not alone. Around the globe, 8.7 billon dollars spent on executive search in 2006 exceeded the industry record for 2000. Unemployment in the United States is a very low 4.5% and many countries are experiencing record lows in unemployment. A friend of mine at the conference said that we are in a new bubble. I’m not sure about that, but I guess I’m open to the idea. After all, Google was 10 times the Netscape IPO and Youtube was bought for over a billion dollars after being in business less than a year and a half. IPOs are at a 7 year high. Maybe we are in a new bubble. To paraphrase Gordan Gecko from the movie Wall Street, bubbles are good. I know economists say it’s better to have long-term sustained growth. But, economists are boring. Let’s embrace our new bubble.


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Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com
Website: http://josephmichaels.wpengine.com
One of the top 75 Recruiters in the United States ~ Recruiter Life Magazine