“The Network!” Newsletter Issue # 133

So, do we have power or don’t we?

I read about a PG&E executive, recruited and then laid off from a dotcom that went bankrupt, who said, “If I had known it would turn out like this I would have conserved my energy”.

So, do we have power or don’t we? I would have appreciated it if someone had come out with some numbers right off the bat. All I read in the newspapers is that we’re about to run out. Can we get a little more specific?

“25th day of the Stage 3 alert.” Stage 3 sounded so serious 3 or 4 weeks ago, but if we’re on the 25th day then how bad can it be? How many stages are there, and how many days are there in a stage? Are there acts, too?  Chapters?

When will we really run out of power? Do they think we won’t understand the numbers? Leave out the megawatt, kilowatt, giga-whatever-watt, rolling-blackout, lucky-lotto-number on your energy bill baloney and just hit us between the eyes please. How much power do we need daily, and how much are we producing daily? How much do we need to buy? Etc.

Remember how they updated us constantly in the recent presidential elections? Every minute of every day you’d get the updated numbers. Let’s get all those laid-off Florida ballot counters, and re-counters over here to count how much energy we’ve got, right? Bad idea.

I would like a brief summary of how PG&E can go bankrupt. Imagine owning a business selling electricity and gas! I love the business model! How are they going bankrupt? Is there a lesson in mismanagement here? I mean, how in the world could they lose? Certainly it wasn’t because they neglected their receivables. Their collection policy was classic: please pay the amount shown by the drop-dead date or we’ll turn off your lights!

Now they’re going to turn out the lights on thousands of employees’ careers through massive layoffs. The only thing more stupid than losing with that business model is me buying stock in an electric scooter company just before all this energy stuff hit the fan. Not my timeliest financial investment of all time, we live and learn I guess.

February 18th marks my 15th year in the recruiting business. I know that sounds like nothing to some of you old timers but in my business it makes me a Great Grandfather. If you know of any other recruiters with as much or more gray hair as me I’d like to know about them, seriously thinking of starting a forum for old fart recruiters like me.

Well, we’ve moved into our new house. Now I have to move our office. Our lease @ 120 Montgomery Street is up, so we’re moving. Seems like yesterday we moved in but it’s been 5 years. The new address is listed below. We’ll be there starting February 23rd. Power’s out. Gotta go.

Warm Regards,
Joe Pelayo

Joe Pelayo, C.P.C.
Joseph Michaels International
Global Recruiting Solutions
Email: jpelayo@josephmichaels.com
Website: http://josephmichaels.wpengine.com
One of the top 75 Recruiters in the United States ~ Recruiter Life Magazine